STM Annual Spring Conference
Partnerships in Publishing: An Evolving Ecosystem

Tuesday, April 22
12:00 pm – 6:00 pm Registration
6:00 pm – 7:30 pm Welcome Reception at Le Meridien

Wednesday, April 23
7:45 am Registration & Continental Breakfast


8:45 am          Welcome & Opening 
Jerry Cowhig, Managing Director, IOPP & Chair, STM Board

9:00 am          Keynote
The Cambrian Explosion: Vision and Leadership in the New Age of Educational Entrepreneurship
Patricia Thornton, Associate Professor, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
In the Cambrian Era fish, reptiles, and insects first appeared on earth to compete or cooperate, evolve or become extinct. Higher education publishing also has a rich history of evolution—from disintermediation from printers and bookstores, under capitalization, the computer, used books, course packs, the consumer movement, and the Internet, among others. Past educational entrepreneurs developed strategies to create and effectively lead challenges to traditional publishers. What tools did they leave buried in the sand that may be excavated to understand current marketplace threats and lead strategies to turn those threats into future entrepreneurial opportunities.  

9:45 am Growing Readers and Authors: Insights from HINARI, AGORA and OARE
Kimberly Parker
, Hinari Programme Manager, World Health Organization
The developing world is a venue that is attracting the attention of a growing number of publishers looking to expand their readership and attract new authors.  Expanding into these areas is not a necessarily a straightforward exercise. This talk will share insights from the HINARI, AGORA, and OARE programs' work with developing countries: the network reality for readers and authors; cell phones vs. Internet and other delivery systems; and the cultural contexts that may affect how researchers use and think about scientific publications.

10:15 am        Break

10:45 am Publishing in the Wild panel
Moderator: Paula Gantz, Director, U. S. Business Development, Society Journals, Springer 
The panelists will explore innovative models for creating and distributing content to end-users – primarily scientists and academics. While these models are generally electronic, they often have a personal and human component. Their goal is to encourage scientific interaction and to expand a discipline’s knowledge base.

Expanding Services to Research Communities
James Krosschell, Vice President, Society Publishing, Science and Technology, Elsevier
Research scientists have more demands to meet, more tools to use, more information to read than ever before.  Publishers are filling these spaces by providing new services integrated with their established offerings.  In this session, we will discuss strategies for traditional and non-traditional outreach, from editorial policies and innovation to public relations and meetings that Cell Press and others are using to enrich the research enterprise.

Serving Clinical Communities
Janet O’Flaherty, Publisher, BMJ Journals, BMJ Publishing Group
Clinical journals serve two distinct needs: a forum for publication of original research; and dissemination of information and knowledge to aid decision making in clinical practice. This session will look at how publishers can balance the tension between the needs of “academic” authors and “clinical” readers taking advantage of online and other technologies as well as traditional publishing programs.

Modern Approaches to Publishing Surveys and Reviews
Zac Rolnik, Publisher, nowpublishers
With the vast growth of research output over the past two decades including the introduction of open access journals, working paper archives, blogs, and other grey literature in the last ten years, researchers are literally drowning in information. This greatly increases the need for survey and review literature. This discussion will look at how the web and new electronic technology allows for a modern approach to publishing the review literature including Web 2.0 elements of updating, wiki-like content, video streaming, etc.

12:30 pm         Lunch

2:15 pm  Introduction to Keynote Speaker & Afternoon Session
Jerry Cowhig

2:20 pm Keynote
STM Publishing: the known Knowns, the known Unknowns . . . and all points in between

Michael A. Mabe, CEO, STM & Visiting Professor, Information Science, University College, London
With the WWW reaching 17 and e journals and e journal platforms becoming teenagers, what do we really know now about STM publishing? This keynote reviews the evidence of what is known, and looks to see what we ought to know for the future.

3:05 pm          Break

3:35 pm E-Sciences Infrastructures panel
Moderator: Dr. H. Fred Dylla, Executive Director & CEO, American Institute of Physics
E-science describes transformations in the scientific enterprise. Driven by information and communication needs of scholars, changes in practices and procedures of science are enabled by infrastructures in distributed computer, information and communication technologies. What opportunities are there for STM publishers in this transformation? The panelists will explore these evolutions and opportunities.

The Digital Knowledge Paradigm and the Future of Scientific Communication

Robert L. Constable, Dean, Computing and Information Science, Cornell University
Combining interactive high performance computing with massive data sets has led to a new knowledge paradigm,
which in turn calls for new means of scholarly communication. The essence of the digital knowledge paradigm is that the evidence for what we know cannot be assembled without computers. The evidence includes digital information assembled by computations beyond the power of humans. Computers thus become indispensable partners in establishing chains of evidence as well as agents of discovery.

Challenge from High Energy Physics
Erick Weinberg, Professor of Theoretical Physics, Columbia University
The high energy physics community has pioneered in the eprint culture the development of web-based tools for indexing and accessing the published and unpublished literature. These have had a major impact on the conduct of research, but raise questions concerning the current and future role of scientific journals. A new challenge is whether the existing e-infrastructure can be expanded to preserve the truly massive data sets soon to be produced by the next generation of experiments.

The Evolving Role of Communication Technologies in Science and Collaboration
Professor Edward H. Shortliffe, Dean, University of Arizona College of Medicine - Phoenix in Partnership with Arizona State University and Editor,Journal of Biomedical Informatics
Computing and communication technologies have become indispensible tools for science, transforming not only the way that researchers share their discoveries, but also the way in which science itself is performed.  New support for collaboration, ranging from Internet-based environments for collaboration at a distance (“collaboratories”) to Web 2.0 approaches for knowledge sharing and annotation, are being increasingly embraced by younger scientists who were raised with such technologies as part of their social as well as intellectual milieu. Such trends suggest new opportunities and imperatives for the scientific publishing community.

5:00 pm            Close for the day

6:30 pm Cocktail Reception at MIT Musem

7:45 pm Banquet Dinner at MIT Museum

Thursday, April 24

8:00 am            Continental Breakfast

9:15 am Hopelessly lost, but making good time: Libraries rushing hither and yon
Mark Sandler, Director, CIC Center for Library Initiatives Committee on Institutional Cooperation, University of Michigan
Rapid technological changes--and the socio-cultural changes that are both cause and effect of these technological advances--are causing libraries to work overtime to keep up, but with little or no consensus about long-term goals and strategies.   Different libraries are placing very different bets--making different investments--to ensure their continued relevance in future years.  Some of these directions are well known--mass digitization, open access publishing, institutional repositories, data curation, and all the rest.  While none of these is a sure-fire winning strategy, in combination they suggest that libraries no longer believe that simply filling their stacks--or servers--with ever more volumes is the key to satisfying the needs of present and future users.  If we grant this premise, it raises all sorts of interesting questions about the relationship between publishers and libraries as each try to find their way forward in uncertain times.

10:00 am          Break

10:30 am Adapting to Change panel
Moderator: David Hoole, Head of Content Licensing and Brand Marketing, Nature Publishing Group
Markets are evolving more rapidly than ever. New technologies, new expectations, and new sciences are driving change within the STM publishing industry, as we adapt to new challenges and embrace new opportunities. The panelists will review examples of how we can adapt and grow in this dynamic environment.

Adapting to Change: The Old Gray Lady Puts on Her Dancing Shoes
Sarah Greene, Product Director, Health, The New York Times
“Integration” is the buzz at the New York Times. The once independent corporation is being folded into the newsroom, and the latter is taking the lead in forging NYT’s digital future. What are the unique obstacles and opportunities in online publishing for a print media giant? How does the paper of record maintain its brand of trust while jockeying for top position in the dot-com world of health? The view from an STM publishing entrepreneur.

124 Years and Counting: How IEEE Adapts to Change
Barbara H. Lange
, Staff Director, Product Line Management & Publishing Business Development, IEEE
For centuries, the scholarly publishing ecosystem functioned with great predictability.  Some could argue that with the pervasiveness of the world wide web, that predictability has disappeared; everything is different now. As IEEE celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2009, it knows something about adapting to change – not just in its expanding technology coverage, but also in its evolving business models and product offerings. This talk will focus on case studies that demonstrate how a scholarly membership association has adapted the change to support new and growing business opportunities while remaining true to its historical roots.

Medical Products are Wrapped in Journal Paper 
Henning P. Nielsen
, Novo Nordisk & President of the Pharma Documentation Ring  (P-D-R) & Sven-Olaf Vogt, Roche
From idea to patient publication is key! The Pharma industry is consuming vast amounts of published content. We author vast amounts of research, and we disseminate even more to support and market our products. Driven by technology, usage is constantly evolving. The presentation will look at new ways of usage and how we can partner to accommodate our changing needs.

12:00 pm Close of conference for non-members
Michael Mabe, CEO STM

12:15 pm     Members Only Forum: Current Issues for STM
Jerry Cowhig, Michael Mabe, Mark Seeley, Carlo Scollo Lavizzari

1:00 pm         Close of conference

Program Committee

Mayur Amin, Senior Vice President - Research & Academic Relations, Elsevier
William F. Curtis, Ph.D., President, Springer (co-chair)
Fred Dylla, Executive Director & CEO, American Institute of Physics
Paula Gantz, Director, U. S. Business Development, Society Journals, Springer (co-chair)
Nawin Gupta
Lynne Herndon, President and CEO, Cell Press
David Hoole, Head of Content Licensing and Brand Marketing, Nature Publishing Group
Tim Ingoldsby, Director, Strategic Initiatives and Business Development, American Institute of Physics
Barbara Lange, Director, Product Line Management & Publishing Business Development, IEEE
Adam Marshall, Director of Marketing & Customer Service, Portland Press
James Testa, Senior Director, Editorial Development & Publisher Relations, Thomson Scientific

Hotel information

The Le Meridien Cambridge is holding a block of rooms at a reduced rate of $249.00 per night (April 22 & April 23, 2008), if you reserve BEFORE MARCH 22, 2008. Remember to mention the International STM Publishers Conference 2008 room block when contacting the hotel directly 617-577-0200 or register online at STM Spring Conference 2008/Le Meridien.

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