Access / Open Science

The Public Affairs committee have provided the following resources:


The road to Open Access

Publishers are working collaboratively across the scholarly sector to transform the aspirations for full Open Access into a reality. Perspectives on how to achieve this transition are not uniform and similarly there is not an internationally agreed consensus around the implementation of practical solutions.

In order for Europe to take full advantage of the wide benefits of a fully Open Access world, we need to recognise that the journey is as important as the destination.

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STM publishers provide many routes for access to enable discovery

STM publishers’ mission is to enable the broadest possible access to high-quality peer-reviewed scholarly articles, preserve the integrity of the scholarly record, and enable the necessary investments in the dissemination of knowledge to help advance science, scholarship and innovation. In furthering the first part of this mission, publishers provide free or affordable access, in a variety of ways, and support the sharing of articles through many routes. Wide access, and the creation and dissemination of articles, is enabled by sustainable business models that support publisher investments in the quality and integrity of the scholarly record.

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STM Statement on Green OA

STM believe that Green OA can be consistent with fostering a viable system for funding publication of authoritative communications about research commonly referred to as “final published articles” or “the Version of Record”. With this principle in mind, STM propose the following key factors that should be taken into account by all stakeholders when setting and refining their Green OA policies.

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Publishers Support Sustainable Open Access

Publishers are committed to the widest possible dissemination of and access to the content they publish. We support any and all sustainable models of access that ensure the integrity and permanence of the scholarly record.

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Access Statement

At a strategy meeting members in 2010, STM developed new positions on access which inform all policies going forward.

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Open Science

STM Position Paper on Open Science

“Open Science” is a broad umbrella term used to describe a change in the way in which science is conducted, including the use of technology to make the practice of research more collaborative and open.

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Views on OA 2020

Barbara Kalumenos presented at the 13th Berlin Open Access conference on "Views on OA 2020: Perspective of STM Association".

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STM recommendations on the next EU Framework programme:

STM welcomes the efforts of the European Commission to support open access and recognises the Commission’s commitment to being a leader in this regard, specifically through its commitment to 100% OA by 2020. STM remains ready to work with the Commission to ensure open access can progress in ways that respect researcher choice and respect the diverse approaches to open access taken across different parts of the world, both outside and within Europe.

To ensure continued progress towards full open access, STM recommends the following:

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STM urges funders to retain hybrid open access as an option in the future

Hybrid open access options were introduced almost from the very start of the open access movement and play an important role in the transition. STM publishers urges funders and other institutions to continue to support authors’ academic freedom to select the journal of their choice by continuing to allow payments for hybrid OA articles. The position paper can be found here.