Future Lab Committee

This is a high level brainstorming group on 'Technology Trends.' Working on behalf of the membership, the remit of the Committee includes the monitoring of new technology trends and their impact on the STM publishing industry. The Committee will alert the Board to key developments and trends in the area of standards and technology and will propose joint STM strategies wherever useful or necessary. It will also act as the Program Committee for the annual Innovations Seminar in London in December.

  • Ralph Youngen, American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Aaron Woods, American Psychological Association
  • Christiane Notarmarco, BMJ
  • Ove Kahler, Brill
  • Kent Anderson, Caldera
  • Nisha Doshi, Cambridge University Press
  • Deborah Sweet, Cell Press
  • Howard Ratner, CHORUS
  • Michael Habib, Clarivate
  • Michael Clarke, Clarke and Company
  • Geoffrey Bilder, CrossRef
  • Cathy Holland, Digital Science
  • Anita De Waard, Elsevier
  • IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, Elsevier (Chair)
  • Reynold Guida (IEEE)
  • David Smith, IET Institute
  • Heather Ruland Staines, Independent consultant
  • Graham McCann, IOPP
  • Miriam Maus, IOPP
  • Daniel Ebneter, Karger Publishers
  • Gaby Appleton, Mendeley
  • Todd Carpenter, NISO
  • Jeremy Macdonald, Royal Pharmaceutical Society / Pharmaceutical Press
  • Richard Kidd, Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing
  • John Shaw, SAGE
  • Thomas Mager, Springer Nature
  • Eefke Smit, STM
  • Liz Marchant, Taylor & Francis
  • Daniel Schiff, Thieme Publishers
  • Jay Neil, Wiley
  • Jennifer Robinson, Wiley
  • Bob Saffell, Wolters Kluwer