Revolutionizing Peer Review – Can peer review be improved?

An interactive webinar:  15:00 -16:00 (UK time) Wednesday 30th September 2015

Are we witnessing the next revolution in Peer Review? The last great change in the practice of peer review occurred back in the mid-1900s when the development of new technology, primarily the development of photocopy machines, and a dramatic increase in the volume and complexity of science lead to a migration from a closed set of editors and committees to the use of independent, external referees. Half a century on, are the same two drivers stimulating another revolution in peer review?

This webinar will have presentations from three experts, whose companies / journals are at the forefront of driving change in peer review: eLife, f1000 Research and Peerage of Science. In addition to learning about their different approaches and how they believe this will address the current pressures on peer review, there will also be a lively panel discussion on peer review innovation and why it is important, and an opportunity to field your own questions to the panel.                                                        

Join other commercial and not-for-profit journal managers, publishers and editors for this hour long deep dive into an issue that will stimulate your thinking around a topic that is central to scholarly communication.


Webinar Presentations + Speakers: 

Enabling consultation and transparency in the review process   Andy Collings
Executive Editor, eLife 
Transparent post-publication peer review Michaela Torkar
Editorial Director, F1000 Research
Open engagement combined with cross-evaluation leads to better peer review       Janne-Tuomas Seppänen
Founder and MD, Peerage of Science 



Michael Osuch, Publishing Director, Elsevier

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