Publication Impact
Funders demand, researchers look for, and publishers facilitate?

The importance of impact for researchers and for publications is perhaps the biggest current topic within scholarly publishing. It demands that publishers make difficult decisions, the answers to which are not always obvious. This special seminar will explore the ramifications of publication impact.

We know that researchers write for other researchers but what other players in the scholarly community can also help our authors? What do funders mean and require when they expect us to reach out to these companies? What are publishers doing and how can we build on these initiatives? What metrics will enable us, the research community, and indeed funders themselves to judge whether impact is actually being achieved? Is the progress of knowledge being impeded by these new emphases, and, if so, what should we be advocating as stakeholders in the research process.

This seminar programme is not just about getting research results disseminated to all other researchers who might benefit, but also how the research itself can be translated for professionals, industrial researchers, policy formers and the general public.



Registration & refreshments


Session One: The Funders Story

Opening Keynote Speaker - The Impact of Research Funders on Scholarly

David Worlock, Digital Strategy Advisor and Consultant and Co-chair of the Outsell Leadership Programmes

The balance of power in STM has changed and will change further . A recent report from Outsell underlines the growing importance , greater than ever before , of the funding bodies in the STM power play . Their ability to fund APCs is seen as critical to the future of OA , but , using the Outsell report as a platform , David Worlock argues that STM has not reckoned on the price for this support , which could see some funders sponsoring their own publishing activities , or even acquiring existing publishers . Migration of roles continues to be a feature  of STM , but hugely disruptive change has yet to catch up with the major players and the institutional publishers - until NOW !


Keynote Presentation:  The EU strategy for publication impact

Stephane Berghmans, VP for Academic & Research Relations, European Union, Elsevier       


Maximising the impact of research publications - a funder’s perspective

Kevin Dolby, Evaluation Advisor - Insight & Analysis, Wellcome Trust 

Impact – however you might want to define it – is an important objective for all funders and researchers are increasingly being asked to prove that their work is reaching an audience beyond academia. What do funders expect in terms of publication impact? And how can publishers help authors achieve this?


Panel discussion 


Refreshment break


Session Two: Creating Reputation

The emergence of alternative scholarly reputation mechanisms and platforms and their likely impact

David Nicholas, Director, CIBER Research

Scholarly reputation has for a very long time been built around just one scholarly activity (research), one output of that activity (publication in high-impact factor journals) and on one measurement of that output (citations). If anything, the practice has become more endemic in today’s global, digital scholarly environment. Such a narrow view of reputation marginalises all the other scholarly activities and skews scholarship, but it has served publishers well. But it all could change as Open Science 2.0 disruptive technologies give rise to new ways of scholarly working, new ‘actors’, new formats for conducting/disseminating scholarship and more comprehensive and open ways of measuring reputation. This paper provides the highlights of research conducted for the European Commission into how emerging reputation platforms and mechanisms are transforming the scholarly scene and where they are taking us all.


Inspiring authors to participate in increasing the visibility and impact of their

Charlie Rapple, Co-founder and Marketing Director, Kudos

Authors are the best people to explain their work, and at the centre of the most appropriate networks for sharing that work. Yet it’s often difficult to get them to engage in efforts to promote their work. There are many reasons for this - chief among them is that authors don’t realise how effective simple efforts can be, and are put off by the myriad different approaches of their multiple publishers. Kudos has attempted to address this with a standard toolkit for explaining and sharing research, a range of metrics against which to measure the impact of this, and dashboards to help publishers better support and amplify authors’ efforts.


Research Data, Publication and Impact: What? Why? and How?

Fiona Murphy, Senior Associate, Murphy Mitchell

To build reputation and career advancement, researchers have always had to proficiently manage a bewildering array of tasks. Now, as well as achieving funding and producing well-cited primary research papers, they are increasingly required to collect and ‘publish’ the data underlying their research in order to comply with funder mandates and journal policies. The high-level rationale for this development is well known, but is it being heard by the researchers themselves? And what are the implications/consequences of non-compliance?


Panel discussion 




Session Three: Achieving Impact

How STM is helping members increase the impact of their publications in the developing world and among patient communities

Richard Gedye, Director of Outreach Programmes, STM Association

Research4Life is a collaboration between scientific publishers, UN agencies, library and technology partners to reduce the knowledge gap between industrialized countries and developing countries by providing affordable access to critical scientific research. This presentation will report on the how the Research4Life initiative has gathered evidence on the impact of its programmes via a survey of its users and via more detailed case studies from users and librarians.

The presentation will also look at patientINFORM, which  represents a collaboration between medical publishers and medical research charities to provide patients and carers with intelligible summaries of the most significant and important latest research, but also to allow them to access and print out the research articles on which the summaries are based and share them with their physician, as part of their physician-patient dialogue on matters of disease progression and treatment.


Influence and Impact

David Payne, Website Editor, British Medical Journal

Impact is important to The BMJ, but article citations and impact factor can be a blunt tool for measuring if its content (dozens of articles posted each week, plus blogs, audio, video, and infographics) has actually changed practice.

The BMJ wants its content to inform, educate, and to entertain, David Payne, the journal's digital editor, describes how initiatives such as The BMJ's patient partnership strategy, its 20th online anniversary campaign, tools such as altmetrics, and annual user surveys, can demonstrate that the journal has influence beyond the impact factor. 


The impact of publications on health policy

Elena Pallari, Research Assistant, Guy’s Hospital

This work describes a new indicator of research impact or influence, namely the research experience of health advisory committee members in 21 European countries, and how this relates to the burden of disease in those countries.  Attention is confined to five non-communicable diseases: cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, mental disorders and chronic respiratory diseases, and the five years 2009-2013.


Quantity and quality: how you can publish in megajournals and still achieve impact

Damian Pattinson, Editorial Director, PLOS ONE

A common misconception of megajournals is that, because impact is not taken into account when decisions to publish are made, impact is not deemed to be important. This is far from the case, and journals such as PLOS ONE have been successful in part because of the high impact of many of their papers. This talk will address the ways in which PLOS ONE has highlighted the impact of the research it publishes, and the tools it uses to predict and measure the success of papers after publication.


Case study from Brazil: using science journalism to shape the impact narrative

Joe McEntee, Head of Publishing, Journalism & Education, IOP Publishing

IOP’s Science Impact publishing programme is helping professional societies in Latin America to capture and articulate success stories in scientific research. This case study explains how accessible and engaging science journalism is raising the profile of Brazilian research programmes with a domestic and international audience of scientists, educators, funders and policy-makers.


Panel discussion


Refreshment break


Session Four: Measuring Impact

Defining and measuring 'impact':
Publication metrics, politics and the academic environment

Jenny Neophytou, Bibliometrics Manager, Wiley

Metrics are becoming increasingly important for academic career development, yet the terms ‘quality’ and ‘impact’ remain as elusive as ever. This talk is an overview of current popular metrics, discussing what they do and do not measure, how they are being used (by publishers, institutes and governments), and the implications this has for academia.  


What is impact and how might we measure it?

Michael Taylor, Research Specialist Elsevier Labs


Impact Vizor, informing your publication decisions

Lorraine Ellery, Director Business Development, HighWire Press

Introducing Impact Vizor an analytical tool created to help editors and publishers make evidence-based publication decisions to evaluate current citation data. Impact Vizor captures, measures and visualizes scholarly impact signals in published and rejected articles from various key sources. This information is captured well ahead of the usual lengthy period for citation reporting avoiding “data lag,” and enabling timely assessment for identifying editorial trends and opportunities.


Measuring Publication Impact with Mendeley Stats

Inez van Korlaar, Director of Product Strategy, Research Applications and Platforms,  Elsevier

Knowing the impact of their publications is invaluable for researchers when applying for funding, seeking a new position or working towards a promotion. Mendeley Stats, which is part of the new and improved Mendeley Profiles, gives feedback within days of publication and helps researchers understand in greater detail and with greater speed how, where and by whom all their publications are being read, shared, cited, and mentioned in the news media. 


Panel discussion


Closing Keynote Speaker

Publishing for impact

Jane Tinkler, Head of Social Science, Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology & Research Associate, LSE Public Policy Group

The ‘impact agenda’ seems here to stay. The Research Excellence Framework has led to a culture change in universities around recognising impact activities as a key part of what an academic does. But has a similar culture change been seen across the scholarly ecosystem, including publishers? Creating impact from research requires working collaboratively, and examining what we research, how we research and how we publish. This session will look at the benefits and barriers to publishing for impact.


Discussion and general Q&A


Close of Seminar




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