8th Intensive Course in Journal Publishing – Asia 2015

Photos from the event

Who should attend?

The course is designed for people working in scholarly publishing and primarily with journals. To gain the most benefit from the course, the ideal participant will need to have at least one - three years publishing experience as junior or middle manager but others with more experience will find the course a useful refresher and an inspiration for their future career. The experience may be in editorial, sales, marketing or content management roles, but the course is also valuable for people working in other roles such as finance, web publishing and technology, or customer service. Experience has shown that participants moving into journal publishing from other publishing sectors can also benefit. 

Scope of the course

Experienced practitioners provide intensive training in all the publishing operations and roles in STM, social science and humanities. As in the previous years of this successful training event the course uses the case study method -- involving the students in competitive business problem solving. The case study also enables the students to share their existing experience and insight, incorporating newly learned skills and insights. Scholarly publishing products come in various formats - e-journals, e-Books, databases, mobile applications and, of course, print. While the course focuses on journals, other products will be put in context of the typical publishing programme. 

Organisation of the course

An outline of the topics covered and the speakers invited is provided below. The presentations have been devised to encourage interaction and the programme is more flexible that it looks in order to allow for more detailed discussions of what emerge as key areas of interest and concern. It is anticipated that all “spare” time will generally be devoted to the case study. It will therefore be necessary to stay the nights of 8th, 9th, and 10th March 2015 at the conference centre even if you work and live in Singapore. All participants should strongly consider bringing their laptops. All participants will take part in their teams oral and written presentations but it will be understood that for some of those attending English is not the first language.

For more information about organisational matters please contact Jo Dinnage 


The fee includes accommodation at Nanyang University for three nights. All meals and all tutorial costs are also included.

Course Director
Bas Straub, Magknowlia

Course Tutor
Lyndsey Dixon, Regional Journals Editorial Director, Taylor and Francis Asia Pacific


Sunday 8 March  

10 30


11 15

Welcome to Singapore and Introduction to the Course

Bas Straub, Magknowlia

Lyndsey Dixon, Regional Journals Editorial Director, Taylor and Francis Asia Pacific

12 00

Group photograph & Lunch

12 45

Role and Future of STM Journal Publishing

Michael Mabe, Chief Executive Officer, STM

13 30

The World Out There – What are the current developments in academic journals publishing

Bas Straub

14 30

Publishing Models

Diane Wang, Business Development Manager China

15 45

Refreshment Break

16 00

Acquisitions - How, what, why (and within that why do society publishing?)

Lyndsey Dixon, Regional Journals Editorial Director, Taylor and Francis Asia Pacific

17 00

Introduction to the Case Study

Bas Straub and Lyndsey Dixon

18 00

Work on case study

19 00

Dinner followed by work on case study


Monday 9 March

08 30

Questions and Answers about the Case Study

Bas Straub and Lyndsey Dixon

09 00

Managing Journal Finances

Bas Straub

10 15

Refreshment Break

10 30

Journal Development

Elaine Tham, Senior Publisher APAC, IOP 

11 45

The Legal Frame of Publishing

Bas Straub

13 00

Lunch followed by work on the case study

16 00

Refreshment Break

17 30


18 00

Depart for Dinner (meet at entrance of NTU Executive Centre)

18 30

Dinner Reception

At the home of Professor and Mrs. K. K. Phua, World Scientific

Sponsored by World Scientific Publishing Company


Tuesday 10 March

08 15

Questions and Answers about the Case Study

Bas Straub and Lyndsey Dixon

08 45

The Journal Production Chain

Rakesh Ramankutty, CEO Versatile Premedia

09 45

Refreshment Break

10 00

Marketing & the Market

Reinbert van der Fluit, Elsevier

11 15

Selling the journal

James Mercer, Sales Director South East Asia and Oceania, Springer Singapore

This talk covers recent sales and licensing models of STM journals including subscription to Open Access, and illustrates how various stakeholders play in today's challenging market.

12 30

Lunch – followed by Work on Case Study

16 00

Refreshment break

16 15

Questions and Answers about the Case Study

Bas Straub and Lyndsey Dixon

16 30

More work on case study

19 00

Dinner followed by putting together of written proposal and power point presentation

22 00

Deadline for delivery to course tutors of case study written proposals


Wednesday 11 March

08 15

Presentation of Case Study Proposals          

11 30

Refreshment Break 

12 00

Soft Skills in Publishing

Paul Evans – Managing Director Asia-Pacific - Sage

13 00


13 30

Discussion and analysis of the case study

Bas Straub, Lyndsey Dixon

Harmen van Paradijs, Editorial Director Human Sciences, Business/Economics, Mathematics, Springer Science+Business Media Singapore

15 15

Presentation of Certificates

15 30

Refreshments and Farewell


Events Terms and Conditions

Where an event has registration fees, cancellations made in writing up to 30 days before an event are eligible for a 50% refund. No refunds can be made for cancellations received on or after 30 days prior to the event date, however, substitutions may be made free of charge at any time.

Registration fees do not include insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.

For more information about the personal data processed by STM Services, please refer to our Privacy statement.