Day 2 STM Week 2018
An STM Week Event

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Open Science and the protection of excellence

Chaired by IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, chair of STM Future Lab and STEC



Light continental breakfast & networking


Opening Keynote: Professor Dr Paul Wouters, Leiden University

Moderated by: IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg (Elsevier), chair STM’s Future Lab and STEC

New Research Indicators and their meaning for Open Science

Paul Wouters, professor of scientometrics and director of the Centre for Science and Technology Studies at Leiden University, is currently the chair of the EU Expert Group on Research Indicators. This Expert Group is exploring indicators that can measure and report researcher's engagement with Open Science and its impacts. The group will synthesize existing research on open science and scholarship and translate this into policy recommendations. The group will deliver its report on these problems at the end of 2018, and will base its recommendations on the consultation of relevant stakeholders. The keynote by Paul Wouters will shed light on what we can expect in the final conclusions on new metrics soon to be delivered to the EU.


Refreshment break & networking


Morning plenary and discussion panel

The future of access 1: a supercontinent for content ?
Moderated by Roger Schonfeld, 
(Ithaka S+R)

Gaby Appleton, MD of Mendeley/ Elsevier

Rob McGrath, CEO ReadCube/ Access Anywhere

Jan Reichelt, CEO, Kopernio/ Clarivate

The process for discovering and accessing scholarly content has broken. Today, there are fundamentally two different approaches being taken to address this issue legally. The first is RA21, which seeks to make the processes easier for authenticating to content on publisher sites, which is being sponsored by STM and covered in another session today. The second is to leapfrog past a model containing sites for individual publishers and creating instead one or several “supercontinents” that have all scientific content discoverable and accessible from a single site.

These “supercontinent” services that are beginning to develop look very much like Spotify for the music business. The three major workflow providers are all looking at how to serve this model. Digital Science’s Dimensions is probably furthest along in offering a full offering. Clarivate’s acquisition of Kopernio suggests it is moving in this direction as well. And, through Scopus and Mendeley, Elsevier may  be looking to offer a somewhat similar service, although with a different model for its development. How will  these services develop? And how will they monetized?


Peek preview into solutions ready for launch

Chaired by Chris Shillum, Elsevier, Ralph Youngen, American Chemical Society

The Future of Access 2: Project-RA21 ready to deliver

RA21, Resource Access in the 21st Century, is a joint project by NISO and STM to develop easier access protocols to scholarly resources. The project started in 2016/2017, and has over 60 organisations worldwide actively participating. The project is now ready to publish its solutions. Today’s session will offer you a peek preview of the solutions and recommendations project-RA21 will deliver.




Industry Update, dedicated to Karen Hunter (1945-2018) 
Moderated by: Gerry Grenier, Senior Director of Content Management, IEEE

STM Industry Report: Innovations in the Publishing Universe

Michael Mabe, CEO, International Association of STM Publishers

Rob Johnson, Director, Research Consulting

Johnson and Mabe, lead-authors of the new STM Industry Report, its special edition launched at STM’s 50th anniversary celebration in Frankfurt, will provide an overview of the current state of the STM Publishing universe, including the importance and impact of the latest developments in technology and innovation.


Digital humanities: Setting the stage to go digital in the humanities/social sciences

Moderated by Jasper Simons, Chief Publishing Officer, American Psychological Association

Digital Humanities and Open Science - A Librarian’s Perspective

Overview and introduction by Liam O’Dwyer, Special Collections and Digital Humanities Librarian, Dublin City University

A brief overview of Digital Humanities (DH) and its relationship with ‘traditional’ humanities. A snapshot at the DH landscape, method and praxis, the role of libraries, and implications for open science and publishing in the field. What are the current challenges and tensions? What roles and approaches are emerging?

Followed by 3 exciting examples of Digital humanities projects:

Oceanic Exchanges, research across large-scale digital newspaper collections
Julianne Nyhan, Associate Professor of Digital Information Studies; Programme Director of the MA/MSc in Digital Humanities UCL; Deputy Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities (UCLDH)

The Oceanic Exchanges project* is at work on creating new opportunities for researchers to work across the large, and possibly multilingual, nineteenth-century newspaper collections that are held in otherwise disparate national archives. Our aim is not to create new digital resources but to facilitate approaches that can overarch individual server environments and institutional contexts. To facilitate this, we are engaging in essential technical work, like the elaboration of an ontology that can describe nineteenth-century newspapers. We are also seeking to better understand the decisions that public and private providers of digital newspaper archives made then planning, digitising and disseminating their collections. In this way we are interested as much in the socio-cultural, economic and political contexts of such collections as we are their technical affordances.

Oceanic Exchanges is an international project that brings together a consortium of scholars in the Finland, Germany, Mexico, The Netherlands, Finland, USA, and UK. It is funded through a Transatlantic Partnership for Social Sciences and Humanities 2016 Digging Into Data Challenge. The UK team is funded by the ESRC.

*Oceanic Exchanges Project Team, 2017. Oceanic Exchanges: Tracing Global Information Networks In Historical Newspaper Repositories, 1840-1914. DOI 10.17605/OSF.IO/WA94S.

Working from scraps: Digital interpretations of the Edwin Morgan scrapbooks 
Bridget Moynihan
, University of Edinburgh

Scrapbooks comprise a significant portion of the world's archival holdings; however, due in part to the difficulties they present for cataloging and contextualization and their complex status within copyright laws, twentieth-century scrapbooks are often obscured in our digital environments. Our project digitally interprets the scrapbooks of Scottish Poet Makar Edwin Morgan (1920-2010) to create a prototypical interface that will give the scrapbooks and their wealth of materials (over 52,000 individual items) an increased online presence. 

Pelagios Commons: Linking the Places of our Past
Dr Valeria Vitale, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study in London

The emergence of Digital Science creates unique challenges and opportunities and offers very fertile ground to new Open Science approaches. This session will offer insight into the developing trends in the digital humanities space, A general overview of what is happening at this new and exciting forefront will be followed by two examples of particularly exciting projects and innovations seizing on these challenges and opportunities in Europe and North America.


Refreshment break and networking


Rubber-meets-the-road session
Moderated by Renny Guida,

AI and Open Science, new tools and service

Marjorie M.K. Hlava, President Access Innovations Inc.
High level AI overview

Jon White, VP Global Sales & Marketing, PageMajik
AI in the publishing production process

Michael Upshall, Head of Business Development at UNSILO
AI in peer review and the article workflow

Babis Marmanis, CTO, Copyright Clearance Center
Searching for images in the era of deep learning

AI and machine learning have the potential to radically speed up operations and increase the efficiency of the STM publishing sector. Existing AI-based technologies have already been developed or acquired by publishers to assist with the identification of peer reviewers, identify and combat plagiarism, recognise fabricated data, bolster the decision-making process behind the acceptance and rejection of papers. Likewise, AI has the potential to offer brand new services to researchers and the research community to empower Open Science and open knowledge creation. Come and listen what is available now and what vendors have on offer and are developing for smarter information applications.


Closing keynote: Ammy Vogtlander, founding CEO of BlueInsights

Complexity Rules; the limits of predictability in AI and Big Data

Moderated by: Liz Marchant, Editorial Director,Taylor & Francis

The use of AI and Big Data is often depicted as the availability of one big prediction machine; if you put in enough data, anything will be clear. But complex systems set limits to predictability. The function with disruptions. So the question is now; to what extent are disruptions predictable. Is there a deeper pattern for disruptions. Ammy Vogtlander, founding CEO of BlueInsights is exploring this for you in an inspiring rollercoaster ride along disruptions in many sectors, including scholarly communication.


Close of Conference IJsbrand Jan Aalbersberg, chair of STM’s Future Lab and STEC



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