Project TAPAS - proposal for responsible article sharing

Project-TAPAS was started during 2017 within STM to explore a standardised approach to the responsible sharing of articles via a separate DOI-link.
The TAPAS working group reported back to the STM Board about this in October 2017. On 21 February STM organised a webinar to inform and educate STM members about the current TAPAS proposal.

Webinar recording
In case you had to miss the webinar, you can watch it below:

Presentation slides:
For a quick overview, the slides used at the webinar are under this link.


Please participate in the survey on TAPAS. Just click the link above.
From the survey responses we wish to understand how many STM members are considering the implementation of TAPAS and how:

  • on their own platform, or via their platform providers or via independent service providers, such as ReadCube, DeepDyve or Mendeley.
  • Or perhaps you prefer to wait and see how TAPAS further develops in terms of adoption.

From those who are eager to start, we would like to know if we can rely on their active project involvement for the next steps.
These include standard definition, prototyping and user-testing.
WE HOPE TO RECEIVE ONE SURVEY RESPONSE PER ORGANISATION; so please feel free to forward the surveymonkey link to your appropriate colleague.

For more information: please contact Eefke Smit,

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