STM Intensive Course in Journal Publishing – United States
STM Intensive Course in Journal Publishing - USA
“Extremely valuable exercise in thinking strategically and the teamwork emphasised the importance of teamwork to pitching a proposal to a society”
'I can honestly say that I learned a great deal during this course, not just from the information shared by the facilitators, but also from my fellow students. It is a great education for anyone who needs a course in journals from beginning to end, and who might find themselves participating in bids or defenses.'
Course Description
After 18 years in Europe, the International Association of Scientific, Technical and Medical Publishers is bringing its well-known Intensive Course in Journal Publishing to the United States.
The course aims to provide a serious grounding in all aspects of learned journal publishing. The emphasis will be on understanding in depth the various publishing functions. The presenters have been asked to describe journal publishing as it is and what it may be becoming.
The Case Study
The case study, which is central to the course, is based on a real acquisition of a society-owned journal. The concentration is on the reality of a bid to a scholarly society that has decided to explore how publishing companies would value its journal and to learn what these companies offer in the changing world of information delivery. The study will involve the development of a supporting financial model, a written proposal, and a group presentation.
Who Should Attend
To successfully participate in this course, the participants should have some publishing experience within an STM member company or another scholarly or professional publishing organization. The course is as much designed for those from production or service functions as for editorial, sales and marketing people.
Monday, 17 November
11:00 AM Registration Opens
12:00 PM Lunch
1:00 PM Welcome and Introductions
1:15 PM Setting the Stage: Glen Campbell, Senior Vice President, US Health Sciences Journals, Elsevier. Journal publishers live in exciting times. Where are we headed and what challenges do we expect to find along the way.
2:30 PM Responding to the RFP: Kathey Alexander, Consultant in Scholarly & Professional Publishing. From receipt of the RFP to making yor pitch to the Society. What societies and their consultants look for.
3:45 PM Journal Finance: Joe Fargnoli, Senior Business Manager, Wiley. The Journal P & L is the heart of the journal proposal. Developing a competitive offer that shares revenue with the society without being unduly risky for the publisher is the challenge.
6:00 PM Introduction of Case Study, distribution of RFP, allocation of attendees into companies.
7:00 PM Reception followed by Dinner
Rest of evening to review RFP and begin work on proposals
Tuesday, 18 November
8:30 AM Q & A concerning Case Study
9:00 AM Subscription Revenue: Jayne Marks, Vice President & Editorial Director, Journals, Sage Publications. Print, electronic, licenses, and consortia. The challenge of making projections when every publisher uses a different model.
10:15 AM Non-Subscription Revenue: Greg Giblin, Corporate Sales Director, Americas, Wiley-Blackwell and Frank Cox, President, Pharmaceutical Media, Inc. 'Other revenue' can make or break a journal's financial success. Opportunities have flourished in the print world; what's in store for online ancillary revenue?
11:30 AM Work on proposals; working lunch
3:30 PM Q&A concerning Case Study
4:00 PM Relationship Management: Paul O. Weislogel, Ph.D., Executive Director, Medical Journals Strategy and Acquisitions, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Winning the business is just the first step. Working with societies and editors brings unique challenges that must be handled with discretion and diplomacy.
5:30 PM on … Work on P&Ls and proposals.
7:00 PM Dinner available
Wednesday, 19 November
8:30 AM Deadline for handing in P&L to course faculty
Q&A re proposal and presentations
9:00 AM Marketing: Maureen Naff, Senior Global Marketing Manager, Springer
Promoting the individual journal; marketing digital collections to libraries and consortia; advertising individual articles to increase usage; marketing for authors. Marketing no longer means direct mail.
10:15 AM Content Management: Duncan Lewis, Vice President, Strategic Business Development, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Print and/or online; the up and downside of off-shoring; proprietary online platform or out-sourced to a vendor. What do you as publisher need to know?
11:30 AM on … Team representative available to meet with faculty to defend P&L. Work on proposals and presentations.
7:00 PM Dinner available
10:00 PM Deadline for completed proposals delivered to faculty
Thursday, 20 November
9:00 AM Company Presentations
1:00 PM Lunch
2:00 PM The Changing Legal Landscape: Mark Seeley, Senior Vice President, General Counsel, Elsevier. Copyright and open access, perpetual access concerns, ownership of the 'subscriber list' are all issues that came along with the advent of electronic journals. How do we protect everyone and everything that needs to be protected.
3:30-4:30 PM Usage Data: Susan King, Ph.D., Senior Vice President, Journal Publishing Group, American Chemical Society. Publishers, librarians, and journal editors all want data. What do usage statistics mean and how can we use them to our advantage?
Dinner with the group
Friday, 21 November
9AM Discussion and analysis of Proposals and Presentations
Presentation of certificates to course participants
Guest Speaker
12:00 PM Closure and Lunch
Course Registration $1800.00 – Register online
Registration fee includes course materials and meals through the duration of the course
Hotel Accommodations
The Intensive Journals course fee does NOT include hotel fee.
The Marriott Conference Center is holding a group of rooms for STM at $169.00 per night until Sunday, October 26, 2008. Registrants must book their own reservations. Please mention “STM Intensive Journals Course” when you call. Tel: 800.453.0309 or Tel. 301.985.7300.
It is essential that attendees stay at the hotel because work will continue to late into the evening.
For more information about the course, contact Jo Dinnage
Bookmark this page for updated program information.
Events Terms and Conditions
Where an event has registration fees, cancellations made in writing up to 30 days before an event are eligible for a 50% refund. No refunds can be made for cancellations received on or after 30 days prior to the event date, however, substitutions may be made free of charge at any time.
Registration fees do not include insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.
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