STM Innovations Seminar 2012 – Innovation Impacts in STM: New Metrics, Big Data, Cool Apps

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STM Innovations Seminar 2012 at a new venue!

Please join your colleagues and industry experts at:
Central Hall Westminster

Storey's Gate
Westminster, London UK


08:45 – 09:30

Registration, Continental Breakfast & Networking

09:30 – 10:30

Moderator: Gerry Grenier, Senior Director, Publishing Technologies, IEEE


Opening Keynote: Hack Yourself, the power of personal data

Adriana Lukas, Founder, Quantified Self – London (second video)


10:30 – 11:00

Refreshment Break

11:00 – 12:30

Key Plenary Session: New Metrics in Academic and Professional Publishing

Moderator: David Martinsen, Senior Scientist, Web Strategy and Innovation, American Chemical Society


Between Narcissism and Control: AltMetrics evaluated

Speaker: Paul Wouters, Professor of Scientometrics, Director Centre for Science and Technology Studies, Leiden University


What Article-Level Metrics can do for you

Speaker: Martin Fenner, Technical Lead Article-Level Metrics PLoS, Public Library of Science

Article-Level Metrics track the impact of a scholarly paper through citations, usage stats and social web activity. They not only add new metrics to the traditionally used citation metrics, but more importantly focus on the individual research output rather than aggregate metrics such as those based on a particular journal. The Public Library of Science started Article-Level Metrics in 2009 and the presentation will describe some practical use cases for publishers.


Bibliometrics, what next ? Perspective of a journal editor

Speaker: Gianluca Setti, Professor, University of Ferrara (ENDIF)

Aim of this talk is to provide a comparative overview of the main features of several journal bibliometric indicators which have been proposed in the last few decades. Their pros and cons are highlighted and compared with the features of the Impact Factor (IF), e.g. the indicator which journal editors have considered so far as the "golden standard", to show how alternative metrics are specifically designed to address IF flaws. We also report the results of recent studies in the bibliometric literature showing how the scientific impact of journals as evaluated by bibliometrics is a very complicated matter and it is completely unrealistic to try to capture it by any single indicator. As such, we conclude that the adoption of more metrics, with complementary features, to assess journal quality would be very beneficial since it would both offer a more comprehensive and balanced view of each journal in the space of scholarly publications, as well as contribute to eliminate the pressure on individuals and their incentive to do metric manipulation.


A new metric for journal impact: Usage Factor

Speaker: Peter Shepherd, Director COUNTER

The inadequacy of currently available citation-based bibliometrics tools for measuring the impact of research and researchers has been recognized for a number of years. The transformation of journals into online publications with a range of new features has created opportunities for new approaches to this and  has led to the emergence some novel forms of impact measurement - altmetrics - that are both impressive and startling. This presentation describes a new, usage-based metric – the Usage Factor- for measuring the impact of research at the journal level, as well as its potential application as a measure of impact at the level of the individual article or scholar.

12:30 – 13:00

Future Lab Flash Session 1

Metrics, analytics and cool apps- 5 crazy 5 minute talks on new initiatives by STM members

Moderator: Jonathan Clark, Jonathan Clark & Partners B.V.


Includes presentations from:

Snowball Metrics: global standards for institutional benchmarking
Speaker: Lisa Colledge, Elsevier
Higher education institutions want data-based intelligence to input into their strategies. The current situation enables this need to be addressed neither quickly nor easily. A group of distinguished UK universities have formed a partnership – the Snowball Metrics initiative - to address this, by endorsing a manageable set of metrics, and by agreeing and testing standard methodologies to generate them. These methodologies, or “recipes”, have been shared free-of-charge with the sector. The vision is that a consistent approach will provide context amongst peers, enabling the identification and further improvement of institutional strengths.


Publisher alt-metric stats deathmatch
Speaker: Euan Adie, Altmetrics
Alt-metrics isn't all about the numbers - except for these five minutes. We'll set some baselines for how often papers are being discussed online, look at which publishers and papers are doing particularly well, then hear some theories why.


The digital journal: transforming user engagement 

Speaker: Jayne Marks, Wolters Kluwer 

Over the last year Lippincott Williams and Wilkins has delivered many of their medical and nursing journals as iPad apps.  The aim was to introduce a new advertising model based on user engagement rather than pages.  We will share some feedback from the market and show how some of our advertisers have responded.


Thomson Reuters’ Data Citation Index
Speaker: Nigel Robinson, Thomson Reuters
Abstract: The Data Citation Index on the Web of Knowledge platform provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world placing data within the broader context of scholarly research, and enabling users to gain perspective that is otherwise lost. These connections provide a comprehensive picture of research output, to maximize research efforts and accurately assess importance, connecting the data to the research they inform.


Keith Collier, Rubriq

Rubriq introduces a streamlined yet rigorous model for scientific research peer review and journal matching. By incentivizing reviewers, compressing the process from months to a few weeks and assigning an independent, quantitative score (R-Score) to research papers, the Rubriq model benefits authors, reviewers and publishers. Rubriq is a for-benefit company founded by a team of seasoned experts who are former researchers and scientific publishing industry experts. For more information, visit


Mike Taylor, Elsevier Labs    


13:00 – 14:15


14:15 – 15:30

Afternoon Panel – Data, Big Data and Data Mining

Moderator: Terry Hulbert, Director of Business Development, American Institute of Physics


Content curation and data annotation

Speaker: Stephen Boyer, IBM Almaden Research Center


Data, Big data and Publications: to share and link data and to benefit from it

Speaker: Hans Pfeiffenberger, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Sea Research, Editor of ESSD, Earth Science Systems Data journal.

15:30 – 16:00

Refreshment Break

16:00 – 16:30

ORCID after launch: ready for future authors services

Speaker: Ed Pentz, Executive Director, CrossRef

ORCID is an open, non-profit, community-based effort to create and maintain a registry of unique researcher identifiers and a transparent method of linking research activities and outputs to these identifiers.  ORCID is unique in its ability to reach across disciplines, research sectors, and national boundaries and in its cooperation with other identifier systems. The ORCID registry went live in October 2012 after a couple of years of work and planning. Now that ORCID is launched what's in store for the future? What impact will ORCID have and what services will be enabled in the future? This presentation will speculate on likely future services that will be enabled by ORCID.


Future Lab Flash Session 2

Data and Data Mining

5 crazy 5 minute talks on new initiatives by STM members


Includes presentations from:


Rebecca Lawrence, F1000

F1000 Research is a new Open Access publishing program in biology and medicine from Faculty of 1000 (F1000) that is redefining scientific publishing through immediate publication, open peer review post-publication, and mandatory data deposition. This completely transparent approach is demonstrating how the whole publication process can be rapidly sped up. It also highlights that through implementation of a mandatory data deposition policy together with explanation of the reasons and benefits of such an approach, every author to-has provided their full data for publication. 


George Garrity, Names for life


Daniel Mayer, TEMIS


Richard Padley, Semantico


Jignesh Bhate, Molecular Connections


Mark Hahnel, Figshare




Directions to Central Hall Westminster

Comments from the 2011 STM Innovations Seminar

“Very comprehensive, highly informative, very targeted to today’s marketplace”

“Lots of good meetings/conversations”

“Good networking, good set of attendees, good allocation of time for networking”

“Great networking opportunity”

“Excellent, seamless from start to finish”

“More high points than most and a good audience”

“Love the flash presentations”

Check back for updated programme information.



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