STM E-Production Seminar 2009

Online registration for this event is now closed.  However, you can still register at the event.


This is the ninth seminar in a series designed to complement the Innovations seminar, which takes place the following day. It was originally designed for journal publishers but the incorporation of book publishing into the digital environment and the trend towards common content management approaches has for the last few years rendered some of the distinctions between the two vehicles for scholarly content unnecessary. It is a wholly international forum bringing cutting edge thinking to Europeans and those in London attending International Online

The Intended Audience

The core audience is those with responsibilities in content management. The intention is however that those with management responsibilities in other publishing functions will find the presentations comprehensible and useful in understanding how the biggest spend of companies is spent and why.

Moreover the special concerns of the scholarly and professional publisher and particularly the STM publisher, who went online early, are now shared to a greater or lesser extent by the whole publishing community and there will be parts of the planned programme of serious interest to trade book and educational publishers and indeed for those who are responsible for the production of consumer magazines. Those with working in other parts of the information chain have found the previous seminars equally useful and are likely to gain value from this one.

Final Programme

08.30 Registration

09.30 Opening remarks by Chairman
Edward Wates, Global Journal Content Management Director, Wiley-Blackwell

09.45 Keynote: Books are Messy: An Overview of the Many Models for Books in the Digital Era and Why We Can't Have Just One
Bill Kasdorf
, Vice President, Apex Content Solutions
Now that most STM publishers have made-or are making-the transition from print to electronic publishing for their journals, they are turning their attention to a long neglected issue: books. Google, of course, has done a lot to revive interest in books. In addition, it is prompted by the resurgence of e-books and e-book readers: if interest isn't exactly on fire in the consumer space, at least it has been significantly Kindled. And e-books are more widely used in academia-especially in academic libraries-than most people realize. Most importantly, the users of STM content increasingly demand that it be provided electronically. Publishers quickly discover that their journal experience, while relevant and helpful, does not transfer as easily to books as they might hope. The reason: books are messy. They have a much wider diversity of structures, semantics, purposes, audiences, and markets than journals do. This session will provide an overview, in terms understandable to nontechnical people, of the most important models used for digital book content today, including standard models widely used in certain disciplines and communities of interest, models created for accessibility and e-books, and models used as standard components in the creation of other models. These resources, when used properly, enable publishers to archive and deliver their book content in ways that make it more valuable, more adaptable, and more accessible to a wide variety of users and uses.

10.30 Article Versions: Polysemy, Provenance, Processes and Politics
Cliff Morgan
, Planning and Development Director, Wiley-Blackwell, formerly chair, NISO Journal Article Versions Working Group
Cliff will talk about the recent NISO/ALPSP recommendations on journal article versions, and discuss what version management may mean to Production staff as they engage in the deposit of various pre-publication versions in, for example, repositories. He will also refer to the PEER project (an investigation into the effects of repository deposit) and CrossMark (an attempt to “kitemark” Versions of Record).

11.05 Break 

11.35 Panel: Innovations in Online Editorial Systems
Mark Ware
, Mark Ware Consulting, Moderator


Tiffany Coker, ScholarOne (Manuscript Central)
Thomson Reuters periodically conducts many types of market research in order to gauge and predict trends in the scholarly publishing marketplace. Through this research and our conversations with hundreds of publishers and production specialists, we have recognized that publishers are at a crossroads in terms of cost, value, and benefit of print vs. electronic publication. Because peer review systems such as Manuscript Central are, in part, supporting systems to online content management and production systems, movements affecting production directly affect peer review systems. Five of these trends are: 1) the need to foster use of XML, 2) the support of content reuse, 3) the need to support changing file types, 4) the increasing technical nature of users, and 5) the need to automate more pre-production tasks.


Richard Wynne, Aries Systems (Editorial Manager)
Richard will discuss likely developments in online workflow systems and suggest a framework to help understand, analyze and evaluate these how these enhancements integrate with the evolving manuscript supply chain.

12.35 Lunch

13.35 Environmental Approaches to Supplier Choice
Carole Richmond
, Corporate Citizenship Project Manager, John Wiley & Sons
Environmental missteps can create public relations nightmares, destroy markets and careers, and knock millions off the value of any company. Carole Richmond discusses the reasons for the increasing environmental scrutiny of the publishing supply chain and offers some suggestions for how to work with suppliers to avoid costly mistakes.

14.10 The Future: Multi-Product Platforms in Scholarly Publishing
Kevin Cohn
, Director of Client Services and Product Development, Atypon
The lines between journals, books, and other content types are blurring. Multi-product platforms provide publishers with the ability to deliver all of their content types through a single application, streamlining production workflows and shortening the time to publication. In this presentation, the speaker examines the benefits of multi-product platforms and discusses some of the production challenges faced as part of recent deployments.

14.45 Starting with XML, Opportunities with a Single Source File for Multiple Deliverables
Robert Kelly
, Director Journal Information Systems, American Physical Society
There is an increasing awareness of the benefits of re-using the content that we publish in multiple deliverables. Taking advantage of the technical advances on the web, increasing the value of author supplied material by adding content, publishing for system applications such as data mining, and publishing for alternate reading systems are just a few examples of multiple opportunities for publishers who have a strategy, simply stated 'Write once, repurpose many times' and have standardized on XML, MathML and SVG in their production process.

15.20 Break

15.40 Managing Author-Supplied Digital Art: Challenges and Possible Solutions
Eric Pesanelli
, Editorial Art Manager, American Physiological Society
There have always been many challenges when dealing with author-supplied art in STM publishing. For every challenge that is met by advances in the publishing world and technology, new ones appear. These challenges can come at any stage of publication and can have major impacts on workflows and time-to-publication. Figure issues that have impacted APS journal production over the years have ranged from figure quality and color conversion problems to how and when to ask authors for digital art. Attendees will hopefully come away with a bit more knowledge and possible solutions that may benefit their own workflows.

16.15 Good Intentions, Unfortunate Results: Your Metadata May Hide Your Content
Linda Beebe,
American Psychological Association
Bruce Rosenblum, Inera
The push is to get scientific content into the literature as quickly as possible. To meet that need publishers are expanding ahead-of-print and e-only products, and they are inventing new ways to organize, present, and cite content. However, some of these new methods have unintended consequences that leave secondary publishers and libraries - and ultimately end users - confounded. The result can be chaos, lost readers, and incorrect - or lack of - citations. This presentation will focus on best-practices for electronic publication and include examples of the unintended problems that result from some of the new practices.

17.15 End

Online registration for this event is now closed. However, you can still register at the event.
Members: €450
Non-Members: €675

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