STM Book 2.02 Seminar
Now it Gets Real: Making, Selling, Distributing, Discovering and Using E-Books

8:30     Registration & Coffee


9:30    Welcome & Introduction
Chair:  Ellen de Groot, Senior Product Manager, Books on ScienceDirect, Elsevier

9:40    E-Book Sales & Marketing Realities
ModeratorValentina Kalk, Rights and Online Resources Manager, World Bank Publications

E-Book Sales & Marketing Around the World
Francois Barnaud, OECD, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
Since the OECD moved into eBooks ten years ago, they have been the single most important driver of growth in OECD sales and dissemination worldwide. They have allowed us to consolidate our position in existing markets, as well as offered the opportunity to reach completely new ones. François will give a brief introduction to the way the OECD has marketed its eBooks up to now, and consider the main challenges which lie ahead.
Partnering, Channel Conflicts & Managing Relationships
Valentina Kalk
Is more always better? In the early days of the e-books, many pioneering
publishers enthusiastically signed up with all possible e-partners. Today, many
publishers have their own e-book platforms, aggregators offer competing business
models, and search engines sometimes help users discover a bit too much. In
addition, publishers often experience competition from within between p- and e-
. This session will discuss options and ideas for leveraging partners and
channels in an increasingly complex e-world.
End Users: Are we Disconnected? What do we produce? Who should we Reach? Do we Reach Them?
Margo Leach, Marketing Manager, CABI
As an explanation for why we do things as a business, we often hear 'It's how we've always done it', 'It's what our competitors are doing' and 'It's what we're good at doing'… A serious shift in thinking is needed if we are to remain in existence in a rapidly changing market place. There is a reason the 'new' players such as Google are a threat - their mottos are simple: make something the users like using, and the business model will follow. In others words, we need to get in touch with our end users, and ask THEM what they want, not tell them. So how do we do this?
11:30    Break

12:00    Making E-Books in the 21st Century
Daniel Bouquet, Business Development Manager, Oxford University Press
Many of the big commercial publishers have created their own e-book platform. At OUP, we have taken a slightly different approach – maximising our reach with e-books through a combination of innovative licensing deals. During this presentation, Fiona will give an overview of OUP’s approach, and some insights into where they see the future of e-books heading.


12:30    Lunch

1:45    Introduction to Afternoon & E-Textbooks
Edward Crutchley, Book Sales Director, Wiley-Blackwell

1:50    WileyPLUS an e-textbook?
Julian Clayton, Vice President, Training & Educational Systems, Wiley-Blackwell
As a course outline and resource, study reference and homework help, a textbook is an essential tool for instructors and students.  All these benefits are implied by the content and structure of the print textbook. The electronic world does not do implication; it deals only in explicit relationships. The WileyPLUS challenge is to take the wealth of implicit data and relationships embodied in a textbook and translate it to an online educational experience.


2:20    E-books in Academic Libraries: Attuning the Market to User Needs
Jill Taylor-Roe, Head of Liaison & Academic Services, Robinson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne
At the start of the new millennium, there were many bold predictions of dramatic growth in the e-book market – but the reality certainly failed to live up to the hype. In academic libraries, where ejournals are now firmly established as the format of choice for most of our users, we have long felt frustrated by the lack of desirable etextbook content. At times, the gap between publishers’ offerings and librarians’ wish lists seemed insurmountable. However, the current JISC E-book National Observatory Project has provided an unparalleled opportunity to explore the interests and concerns of all the key players, including those most important of stakeholders - the end users.  This paper will consider the current ebook landscape primarily from the perspective of an academic library and will also offer comments on how this might be changing.

2:50    Break


3:30    Discoverability: The Key to Success
ModeratorSuzanne Kemperman, Director, Publisher Relations, OCLCNetLibrary

People's information behavior has evolved in the networked environment and the eContent market is growing in the retail and library space. We expect that discoverability and usage will be determining factors in the demand for and purchase of eBooks. For content providers, challenges include the need to better understand usage and discovery patterns, improvements in search engines, industry standards for content production, and best business models for creating and repurposing content. In this panel we will look at what publishers, aggregators, and librarians can do to help readers and patrons discover and access eContent.
Publishers and Readers: Aspects of Digital Distribution in an Expanding E-Book Market
Sebastian Posth, Publisher and CEO of Zentrale Medien GmbH, Bochum
The demand for e-book media is growing rapidly, especially among students, academics and professionals. While adapting to this development, publishers see themselves confronted with a number of logistic, institutional, legal and technical issues concerning the distribution of their electronic content. Publishers should aim at increasing their e-content´s visibility, findability and usability, by offering users reliable, comfortable and secure ways of access. This paper will address, in brief terms, some crucial aspects of a professional and user-oriented publication- and distribution management.
Challenges of Increasing Discoverability in the Library
Ian Mayfield, Associate University Librarian, University of Portsmith, UK
Mayfield’s presentation will look at current provision of e-book content at the
University of Portsmouth and at how they arrived at this position.  He will
discuss the means used to make the e-book content visible and will
present some information about use of e-books, looking at different
subject areas and delivery models.  Finally the presentation will
examine problems in achieving visibility and some possible routes to
 improving this.

Understanding Search Behaviour to Drive eBook Discovery, Usage and Sales

Pete Shemilt, Sales and Marketing Director (EMEA), Academic and Professional Books, Cambridge University Press
Book publishers have become very good at making eBooks and distributing them through existing and emerging channels. But how effective are publishers at marketing eBooks to readers, students and researchers?  Do we really understand how consumers are searching for information and how we can influence the conversion of their intentions into profitable actions such as purchase or increased usage?  And how can we better work with librarians to improve eBook discovery?

4:45 – 5:00    Wrap-up & Close

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