Innovations Seminar 2016
An STM Week Event


This year’s presentations and video’s are sponsored by Semantico

New Ways on the Web: from Collaboration to Crime--the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

The 2016 edition of STM’s Innovations seminar covers everything that is now hot on the web: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Our program offers forward looking updates on social sharing and collaboration networks, from ResearchGate to Mendeley, from SciHub to 101 other innovations, including new data on how researchers use these. Also everything you need to know about Crime and Criminality on Internet; How they can steal 60 million in 60 seconds. And more importantly: how to protect yourself against such cybercrime. Indepth sessions will provide insight in how to better organize access to content of scholarly communication along the new standards of the 21st century. Plus a proper introduction to Blockchain; is it as promising as experts say?



Registration, coffee & networking


Theme: Cyber Security: Crime and Criminals on the web – how to protect ourselves

Moderated by: Sam Bruinsma, Brill Publishers

Keynote presentation:  How to steal 60 million in 60 seconds; major trends in cyber criminality

Andrzej Kawalec, Chief Technologist, Enterprise Security Services. Hewlett-Packard Company.


Refreshment break





Theme: Sharing and Collaboration Networks and how they fit the researchers workflow

Moderated by: Deborah Sweet, Cell Press, Elsevier-Boston

Keynote presentation: Sharing Networks -- The Swiss Army Knife in Scholarly Communication; evidence from the 101 Innovations Survey

Jeroen Bosman, Bianca Kramer, Utrecht University Library, subject and reference librarians



Disruptive Innovation – a closer look at networks launched by Researchers: ResearchGate, Academia, and others

Mark Ware, Director of  Mark Ware Consulting


The Social Side of Mendeley

Hylke Koers, Mendeley, Elsevier

Mendeley is on a journey to develop itself from a reference manager into a social network for researchers – featuring tools for researchers to present themselves to their community, interact, measure and manage impact, and stay up to date on what is going on in their field.


ReadCube: SpringerNature and its sharing strategy on ReadCube

Martijn Roelandse, Innovation Director SpringerNature


Flash Session, new start-ups in the STM industry

Moderated by: Martijn Roelandse, SpringerNature

In 5 minutes flash presentations, the founders of new start-ups in academic and professional publishing will show their new ventures. Among them:

Zapnito - Charles Thiede, Peerwith - Joris van Rossum, TrendMD - Matthew Cockerill,

Trellis – Josh Freeman, Gadgetsoftware – Dan Crain, Listenable – Alexandra Roman


Lunch and networking



Resource Access in the 21st Century

Moderated by: David Martinsen, consultant at David Martinsen Consulting

The Current System is broken; how can we make things better?

Chairs of the STM Taskforce RA21
Chris Shillum,
Vice President of Platform and Data Integration, Elsevier
Meltem Dincer,
VP, Platform Capabilities, John Wiley & Sons

The Users view: Seamless and Secure Access on campus

Don Hamparian, Senior Product Manager Identity Management OCLC/ EZproxy

Seamless Access: A perspective from the pharma industry

Helen Malone, Director Information Resources, GlaxoSmithKline

Helen Malone (GSK) will highlight the challenges and opportunities for seamless access to published information in a changing pharma environment.  Helen will be providing an interesting insight into the requirements of the 25 companies which make up the Pharma-Documentation-Ring (P-D-R).  Helen will also discuss how these could provide a foundation for developing a solution for the next generation of access beyond IP.


Resource Access: Identifiers, Security, Risk Management

8 minutes sessions, about solutions from:

Trusted Access Management: Signaling and Common Processes are Critical

Ann West, Associate Vice President for Trust and Identity, InCommon/Internet2

Interested in improving access security? Looking for ideas on how others have done it?  This session will cover a few community-driven advances made by the national Research and Education trust federations in building a global fabric of trust.

A SAAS solution for safe and seamless access
Paul Dixon, CTO, LibLynx

Kent Anderson, CEO, RedLink

URA: seeking new solutions for effective access to resources
Jenny Walker, Project Leader, Universal Resource Access (URA)

Tasha Mellins-Cohen, Director of Product & Marketing, Semantico


Refreshment break


The next big thing: Blockchain, beyond BitCoin

Moderated by: Gerry Grenier, IEEE

Blockchain, the technology behind BitCoin, has potential to reach far beyond digital currency. Mark Andressen says of Blockchain "In twenty years we'll be talking about Blockchain the way we talk about the Internet today." The speakers will touch on the potential impact that Bloackchain will have on intellectual property protection.

Chris Betz, Consultant, Element 22 & Blockchain and Financial Technology Senior Advisor, EDM Council 

Robert Norton, CEO, Verisart


Close of Seminar


We are grateful for the great work by the Program Committee:

Sam Bruinsma (Brill), Gerry Grenier (IEEE), Howard Ratner (CHORUS), Reynold Guida (IEEE), Phill Jones (Digital Science), Joanne Shepherd (Cell), Aaron Wood (APA), Heather Staines (Proquest), Eefke Smit (STM)

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