Innovations Seminar 2015
"Play it again Sam" - Research reproducibility and reputation management
An STM Week Event

This year's STM Innovations seminar will focus on the key themes of research reproducibility, cyber security and researcher's reputation management. Attendees will learn how scientists and researchers are utilising the new opportunities presented through open science and data-sharing and how publishers like Science and SpringerNature are facilitating new sharing environments. Presenters will demonstrate how new initiatives are helping scientists successfully manage their reputation and renowned experts and industry commentators will give their views on where the industry is heading.

STM is at the leading edge of the latest technology trends within publishing. This annual seminar brings together the industry's most established thinkers and bright up-and-coming future stars to gives attendees an insight into the hottest innovations and vital technological trends and developments which will define STM publishing for years to come.




Registration, coffee & networking


Theme: Research Reproducibility

Moderator: Sam Bruinsma, Brill Publishers

Keynote presentation:  The Reproducibility Crisis in science and how to solve it

Zoltan Dienes, Professor in Experimental Psychology, Sussex Univ, participant in Registered Reports


Moderator: Sam Bruinsma, Brill Publishers

All trials registered, all results reported: the publisher’s role in reproducibility

Síle Lane, AllTrials, Campaign Director,










Panel: Publishing Innovations for Research reproducibility

Moderator: Joanne Sheppard, Elsevier-Boston

Reproducibility, what?, why?, when?

Gianluca Setti, IEEE fellow and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions-CAS, engineering professor at University of Ferrara

Publishing Innovations for better Reproducibility 

Emilie Marcus, CEO and Editor-in-Chief Cell,

Reproducibility:  Is this the 21st Century version of 'Turtles all the way down?'

Kent Anderson, publisher Science, AAAS

Promoting transparent research methods, protocols and data to reduce irreproducibility

Andrew Hufton, Managing Editor, Nature Scientific Data,

Responding to growing concerns from the scientific community about results that cannot be reproduced, Nature Publishing Group journals, and others within the Springer Nature family, have taken a number of steps to raise the standards of methodological reporting in our life science publications, and to promote wider sharing of protocols and data. These initiatives aim to create a more transparent publication record, and to incentivize the sharing of a wider range of research outputs.


SPECIAL DEMO on Reproducibility:

Moderator: Eefke Smit, STM

Michael Diepenbroek, PANGEAE Data Center: A Universal system for Data-Literature Interlinking (DLI)




SPECIAL IEEE LECTURE and Keynote presentation: Cyber security and Data protection

Moderator: Gerry Grenier, IEEE

Pam Dixon, founder of the World Privacy Forum


Panel: Cyber Security: How to protect our platforms against…….

Moderator: David Smith, Head of Production Solutions, IET

James Walker, IOPP, CTO

Christian Kohl, Consultant

Freddie Quek, Group Head of Software at The Collinson Group and Research Associate at Henley Business School

Not a day goes by without some new cyber security issue showing up in the news. From Sony to TalkTalk, Conficker to Stagefright, SQL injection to Apache Struts, and even good old fashioned content theft, Someone somewhere is always targeting the digital infrastructure of organisations across the globe. What about the world of STM publishing? What’s going on? Are we being targeted? What attention should we be paying to this area? What are the issues at play? What do we need to do? This panel, will be discussing these issues, and we’d like you to participate as well. 




The Future of Reputation Management, 2 panel discussions.

Moderator: Phill Jones, Digital Science

Panel A: Reputation management for researchers

Principles for Research Evaluation, do citations and altmetrics match?
Prof Dr Paul Wouters, Professor of Scientometrics, Leiden University, CWTS

The usability of article level metrics
Euan Adie, founder of

New measures of reputation - the researcher’s viewpoint.
Melinda Kenneway, co-founder of KUDOS

With an increasing focus on assessment of research performance, which of the many new emerging metrics do researchers feel are important - now and in the future? In this presentation, Melinda will outline the results of a survey conducted with Kudos users to understand what measures and activities they believe contribute to their scholarly reputation, and also what they think their employers and funders value.


Panel B: The Exciting World of Reputation Infrastructure

DOI Event Tracker feeds new pathways to track research
Ed Pentz, Executive Director of Crossref

One of the tremendous lures of the internet is the availability of vast amounts of data on organisations, people and their activities. In the scholarly arena, this has led to new ways to monitor scholars and their outputs via the online activity surrounding them. Crossref’s DET is a central point for collecting and propagating this data to the community who can then develop meaningful tools to solve the problems of reputation, evaluation and discoverability. DET data can power systems across the research ecosystem to support the work of researchers, publishers, funders, institutions and service providers.

On the benefits of institutional identity
Richard Padley, Chairman and CEO, Semantico

As a community we have made huge advances in providing the infrastructure needed to identify scholarly works and their contributors and funders though initiatives such as CrossRef, ORCID and FundRef. However we still lack an equivalent persistent identifier for organisations and institutions. Without this it is impossible to unambiguously link a researcher to all of their affiliated institutions, consequently creating a blind spot for metrics and adding friction to the ecosystem in a number of ways for readers, researchers, publishers and institutions.
This talk identifies the principal benefits of adopting an institutional identifier for publishing with specific reference to our work in identity and access management and identifies potential candidates for a solution to this challenge.


Close of Seminar & Cocktail Reception sponsored by Hindawi Publishing Corporation


We are grateful for the great work by the Program Committee:

  • Sam Bruinsma (Brill)
  • Gerry Grenier (IEEE)
  • Heather Staines (Proquest)
  • Jasper Simons (APA)
  • Joanne Shepherd (Cell)
  • Phill Jones (Digital Science)
  • Eefke Smit (STM)






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