2nd Intensive Course in Journal Publishing – Asia
The premier course for middle and junior managers in social science & STM publishing

Online registration for this course is now closed. For registration or other information, please contact info@stm-assoc.org

Final Programme


The first STM course located in the Asian-Pacific region was held in 2008 Hong Kong. The course ran from lunchtime on the Sunday until lunchtime on the Wednesday. The feedback from the “students” on the course confirmed that it met the needs of the Asian-Pacific publishing community. Here is a comment from one experienced participant:

‘All in all, it has been a successful course and I'm sure everyone brought home valuable lessons well learnt ,as well as different possible viewpoints of looking at one publishing situation. 
I especially like the case study as it allows 'competing' publishers to interact effectively, without barriers. It definitely was a great experience and something that I would remember for a long time. 
Thank you for providing such a memorable experience!’

The Course

As with the European course, the aim is to provide a serious grounding in all aspects of international journal publishing with an Asian dimension. The emphasis will be on understanding in depth the various publishing functions. It is intended that each function should be understood within the overall context of joined-up publishing. The presenters have been asked to describe journal publishing as it is but also the changes that are taking place and the challenges facing our industry. 

The case study, which is central to the course, is based upon a real proposal from a group of learned societies in an Asian country. It will involve a written proposal and also each participant will be required to be part of a group presentation. It is however understood by both the presenters and the course tutors that the majority of those taking part in the course will not have English as a first language.

Who Should Attend

To successfully participate in this course, the participants should have some publishing experience within an STM member company or another scholarly or professional publishing organization. It is only appropriate for those engaged in international English-language publishing. The course is for publishing personnel who need a greater understanding of the journal publishing business as a whole. Some experience of managing a list of journals whether in editorial, sales/marketing or content management functions is needed. In addition the course is appropriate for those working with journals in other roles such as finance, web publishing and technology, and customer service and those moving into journals publishing from other sectors.

The Course Team

The course has been organised by Anthony Watkinson (Senior Lecturer University College London and Director of Training and Education STM) but he is now unable to come to Singapore on medical advice. Dr. Amanda Davis (Wiley-Blackwell) has agreed to direct the course with support fromBarry Clarke (Taylor & Francis). They will be assisted by a group of senior publishers who will give their specialist knowledge. 

The course is run in association with the Centre for Publishing at University College London and those who complete the course will receive certificates of attendance signed on behalf of STM and UCL.

Preliminary Programe - the order of presentations has yet to be finalised:

Sunday 1st March 2009
12.00 Registration

12.30 Lunch

Introduction to the Course: Amanda Davis (Wiley-Blackwell)

13.45 Role and Future of the Journal: Michael Mabe (CEO, STM) 

15.00 Editorial/Strategic Journal Development: Amanda Davis

16.15 Explanation of case Study and delivery of the case study to students:Amanda Davis

16.30 Break & initial work on the case study in three groups

18.15 Initial questions about the case study and answers: Amanda Davis

18.45 Special evening meal sponsored by World Scientific Publishing Company leaving by coach from the Conference Centre

Monday, 2nd March

08.30 Questions & Answers on Case Study: Anthony Watkinson

09.00 Finance: Pam Sutherland (Oxford University Press)

11.00 Break

11.30 Content Management including Hosting: Pam Sutherland (Oxford University Press)

13.15 Lunch

14.15 Work on case study in groups

17.30 Questions about case study: Amanda Davis

17.45 Law and Licensing: Amanda Davis will guide a discussion based on a handout provided by Anthony Watkinson (formerly Intellectual Property Director at Thomson Science & Professional Publishing)

19.00 Evening meal followed by further work on case study in groups as required

Tuesday, 3rd March

08.00 Questions about case study: Amanda Davis

08.15 Marketing: Joe Lam (Elsevier)

09.30 Sales and Fulfillment: Jo-an Chia (Elsevier)

10.30 Break

11.00 Understanding the Library as Customer: Lee Cheng Ean (National University of Singapore)

12:15 Lunch

13.15 Further work on case study in groups

17.00 Hand in corporate financials

19.00 Evening meal

22.00 Final deadline for handing in written proposals

Wednesday 4th March
These timings are based on the assumption that the students will be split into three groups and will be revised if numbers necessitate four groups.


08.00 Group Presentations

10.40 Break

11.00 Group Presentations continue

11.50 Evaluations of Case Study proposals and presentations and Summing Up of Course
Amanda Davis, Barry Clarke and Max Phua

Presentation of certificates of attendance and completion from the International Association of STM Publishers and The Centre for Publishing at University College London

13.15 Lunch

Online registration for this course is now closed. For registration or further information, please contact info@stm-assoc.org

Registration Fee: €1850 Euros per student
Registration Fee: €1650 Euros per student for organisations sending 3 or more students

The fee includes accommodation for three nights. All meals and all tutorial costs are also included. It is essential that attendees stay at the University because work will continue to late into the evening.

For more information, please contact Jo Dinnage – dinnage@stm-assoc.org

Events Terms and Conditions

Where an event has registration fees, cancellations made in writing up to 30 days before an event are eligible for a 50% refund. No refunds can be made for cancellations received on or after 30 days prior to the event date, however, substitutions may be made free of charge at any time.

Registration fees do not include insurance. Participants are advised to take out adequate personal insurance to cover travel, accommodation, cancellation and personal effects.

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